Let's open our eyes
Théa is an independent pharmaceutical company with deep European roots and international ambition, aware of the stakes of sustainable development. Protecting vision and sharing knowledge worldwide is our mission - innovation is in our DNA.
Théa acts to give each generation the opportunity
to open their eyes to a sustainable world.
We are committed to 3 pillars.
Develop, apply and promote responsible practices at every stage of the lifecycle of our products, for the benefit of both patients and healthcare professionals
Promote the fulfillment of our employees around
the world
Contribute to the societal and economic development of our ecosystem and to the preservation of natural resources wherever Théa is present
Thealoz Duo 10ml
Thealoz Duo - jaunas paaudzes mitrinošie pilieni, sausām, apsarkušām un nogurušām acīm.
Thealoz Duo ne tikai mitrina, bet arī stabilizē un aizsargā šūnu membrānu.
Aktīvās sastāvdaļas ir nātrija hialuronāts un trehaloze, kas aizsargā un stabilizē šūnas membrānu, atjauno olbaltumvielu izmaiņas un tauku šķelšanu.
Hipotonisks un pH – neitrāls.
Var lietot kontaktlēcu nēsāšanas laikā.
Nesatur konservantus.
Iepakots ABAK sistēmas 10 ml pudelē.
Derīgs 3 mēnešus pēc pirmās atvēršanas.
Lietošana: 1 piliens katrā acī no 4 līdz 6 reizēm dienā.